LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
Research Outcome
位处顺德北滘的林头村,被一水环抱,水道就是乡之所在, 民之所系。林头村的文化与生活本来与水道密不可分,可惜近十年广东省城市化的发展,改变了村落的形态及地理。水道失修、昔日岭南建筑、蚕桑基地的消失,更令我们反思“可持续发展”的价值与重要性。往日幽靜的鄉村不再;而單單画纸为棋,敲针作钩滿足不了鄉民的生活。2014年,广东省佛山市发起百村升级行动计划,目标将108个村落建设成生活舒适、文体丰富的社区。 乡村的发展成为热议的题目:怎样的乡建才能回应乡民需要、社会的发展及时代的更替, 但同时不失乡土气息?
駐村項目一: 人間好時節
駐村項目二: 綠在街角——社區園圃計畫
駐村項目三: 我的夕陽樂
駐村項目四: 公共空間練習