LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
Art makes village
Lintou Village, Shunde, Guangdong Province, China
地處珠江三角洲,順德村落歷史源遠流長,文化深厚。今日城市化的高速發展,昔日嶺南建築、蠶桑基地的消失,更令我們反思「可持續發展」的價值與重要性。將「參與式規劃」(Participatory planning)理念應用於村落更新,將會成為本世紀平衡城市化的一種力量,幫助人們達致城鄉共生的新時代願想。
Dummy paragraph: If under separate taxation: husband and wife claim the deduction separately in their respective tax returns, against their respective AI. If under joint assessment: home loan interest to be deducted from aggregate AI. beneficial when either husband or wife has income less than the total of allowable home loan interest and basic allowance.
Dummy paragraph: If under separate taxation: husband and wife claim the deduction separately in their respective tax returns, against their respective AI. If under joint assessment: home loan interest to be deducted from aggregate AI. beneficial when either husband or wife has income less than the total of allowable home loan interest and basic allowance.
這次合作,是成立了橫跨建築規劃設計藝術等專業的團體。透過各人不同的專業去幫助城市及鄉村改造,鼓勵城鄉共生可持續發展的概念。城市改造不是單靠一己之力, 而是團體合作,建築行業裡的設計會議(Design Meeting)就是不同專業人士坐在一起為設計出謀劃策。小市山的概念也是類似,只是這個會議是公開的,讓用家和地區人士可參與其中一起討論,我們相信公眾參與及社區建立的方法會帶來更加積極、實效的社會改變。透過參與和合作,提供適當培訓和機會,激發出地方智慧和歸屬感。
Dummy paragraph: If under separate taxation: husband and wife claim the deduction separately in their respective tax returns, against their respective AI. If under joint assessment: home loan interest to be deducted from aggregate AI. beneficial when either husband or wife has income less than the total of allowable home loan interest and basic allowance.
_ 藝術介入改變鄉村。
_ 可持續發展,城鄉共生概念,支持城鄉改造。
_ 誘發地方經濟,通過文化活動再創新的文化資產。
_ 活化歷史建築,村民和習俗一併保育,傳承再創造。
_ 環境保護和傳統工藝材料建築的保育和傳承。
_ 民眾參與。
Dummy paragraph: If under separate taxation: husband and wife claim the deduction separately in their respective tax returns, against their respective AI. If under joint assessment: home loan interest to be deducted from aggregate AI. beneficial when either husband or wife has income less