LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
Oil Street - Village Rethink
Urban development and countryside conservation have respective objectives and blindspots. If they can be complementary to each other, they may lead a breakthrough. Through the workshops, workshops and food sharing, we encourage rethinking and dialogues on the topic of juxtaposition of urban development and countryside conservation. The products created during workshop will be part of our display.